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[ 3C Coatings for Household Appliances ]

3C home appliances refers to home appliances that comply with China's compulsory certification. Only home appliances that meet the 3C standard can be sold in the market. Therefore, 3C home appliance industry is the general term for the home appliance industry. There are a large number of household appliances. At present, 3C appliances for the UV industry are mainly concentrated in the cover of the TV casing, the cover of the washing machine, the cover of the air-conditioning panel, and the cover of small household appliances. With the requirements of production efficiency and environmental protection, the cover of the home appliance industry has gradually turned from PU to UV cover, especially in the case of TV casings. UV coatings have great advantages for the home appliance industry with high efficiency and immediate offline packaging, and also have certain environmental advantages.

3C home appliance performance requirements are different due to different uses, and different usage environments have different emphasis on performance requirements. The basic requirements are: adhesion, leveling, hardness, flexibility, resistance to bending, gloss, polishing, hot and cold cycle, temperature resistance, crack resistance, boiling resistance, high temperature and high humidity, scratch resistance, Resistant to solvents, etc. The main performance requirements are adhesion, leveling, anti-bending, fullness, crack resistance and polishing performance. With the development of UV dot system, the blushing, blistering and leveling properties of household appliances after spraying and curing New requirements have been put forward, and new paint detection methods have been proposed.

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